Tuesdays at 5pm in the OCR, Trinity College, University of Cambridge
Convenors: Shruti Kapila, Saul Dubow, and Jessica Patterson
2024 Michaelmas Term
15th October
“The Invention of Prehistory: Violence, Empire, and our Obsession with Human Origins”, Stefanos Geroulanos (NYU)
12th November
“Savage Languages and the Limits of Enlightenment Social Theory in North America and Southeast Asia c.1750-1850”, Ian Stewart (Edinburgh)
2025 Lent Term
11th February
“Beyond Boundaries: Developing Indigenous Intellectual History”, Saliha Belmessous (Oxford)
Professor Saliha Belmessous is a British Academy Global Professor and a Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford: https://www.history.ox.ac.uk/people/professor-saliha-belmessous
She is currently working on a British Academy funded project, 'Legal Encounters at the Origins of International Law'.
4th March
“Liberal Engagements of Black Intellectual History in South Africa", Ayesha Omar (SOAS & Wits)
Dr Ayesha Omar is a British Academy International Fellow at the Department of Politics and International Studies (SOAS) and a Senior Lecturer in political theory in the Department of Political Studies at Wits University: https://www.soas.ac.uk/about/ayesha-omar
She is one of the editors of the forthcoming The Cambridge History of African Political Thought (CUP).