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Cambridge Centre for Political Thought

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The Political Thought and Intellectual History Seminars are the official research seminars of the Political Thought and Intellectual History Subject Group of the Faculty of History. They are also an integral part of the History Faculty's PhD Programme in Political Thought and Intellectual History and the Inter-Faculty M.Phil. in Political Thought and Intellectual History which is co-sponsored by the Faculty of History, the Faculty of Classics and the Department of Politics. For more information see the seminar website: For queries, including subscribing to the seminar mailing list, please contact the seminar assistants at
Updated: 33 min 1 sec ago

Mon 06 May 17:00: Title to be confirmed

Mon, 08/04/2024 - 11:29
Title to be confirmed

Abstract not available

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Mon 20 May 17:00: Enlightenment Theory of Rights

Mon, 08/04/2024 - 11:25
Enlightenment Theory of Rights

Abstract not available

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