Michaelmas Term
10 October
Sylvana Tomaselli (St. John's College, Cambridge)
'Reflections on Inequality, Respect, and Love in the Political Writings of Mary Wollstonecraft'
Respondent: Raymond Geuss (Cambridge)
Paper Download: Cambridge | Visitor
17 October
Greg Conti (Cambridge)
'Democracy confronts diversity: Deliberation and representation in Victorian Britain'
Respondent: Stuart Jones (Manchester)
Paper Download: Cambridge | Visitor
28 November
Sarah Shortall (Oxford)
'From royalism to the mystical body of Christ: The interwar revolution in French Catholic political theology'
Respondent: Annabel Brett (Cambridge)
Paper Download: Cambridge | Visitor
21 November
Ann Thomson (EUI)
'Colonialism, Race and Slavery in Raynal's Histoire des Deux Indes'
Respondent: Felicia Gottmann (Dundee)
Paper Download: Cambridge | Visitor
14 November
Julia Nicholls (Oxford)
'French revolutionary thought and the early Third Republic'
Respondent: Robert Tombs (Cambridge)
Paper Download: Cambridge | Visitor
7 November
Stuart Elden (Warwick)
'Foucault and Shakespeare: Ceremony, Theatre, Politics'
31 October
Aline-Florence Manent (UCL)
'Theorising Democracy beyond "State’ and ‘Society"'
Respondent: David Runciman (Cambridge)
Paper Download: Cambridge | Visitor
24 October
John Robertson (Clare College, Cambridge)
'From state to society, through sacred history: Hobbes and Spinoza'
Respondent: Richard Serjeantson (Trinity College, Cambridge)
Paper Download: Cambridge | Visitor
Lent Term
6 March
Jenny Andersson (Paris, Sciences Po)
'The future of the world. A new history of the future'
27 February
Johan Olsthoorn (Leuven)
'Grotius on natural law and supererogation'
Respndent: Sarah Mortimer (Oxford)
Paper Download: Cambridge | Visitor
20 February
Seyla Benhabib (Yale)
'Legalism: A Reconstruction and Critique of Judith Shklar's Concept and its Contemporary Import'
Respondent: Katrina Forrester (Queen Mary)
Paper Download: Cambridge | Visitor
13 February
Ben Slingo (Cambridge)
'Cajetan, Suarez and republican liberty: A theme in later scholastic political thought'
Respondent: Harro Hopfl (Essex)
Paper Download: Cambridge | Visitor
6 February
Kinch Hoekstra (Berkeley)
'In His Veins the Blood of Kings: Thucydides in the Renaissance'
30 January
Jamie Martin (Sydney)
'The Transformation of International Economics during the Great Depression'
Respondent: Duncan Bell (Cambridge)
Paper Download: Cambridge | Visitor
23 January
Stefanos Geroulanos (NYU)
'The Emperor's Two Bodies: Mirrored Sovereignty, the Code Civil, and Napoleon's New Men'
Easter term
22 May
James Stafford (Cambridge)
'Commercial treaties and understandings of 'free trade' in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Europe'
Respondent: Richard Whatmore (St. Andrews)
Paper Download: Cambridge | Visitor
15 May
Niklas Olsen (Copenhagen)
'The Emergence of the Sovereign Consumer – from Adam Smith to the Socialist Calculation Debate'
8 May
Liisi Keedus (York)
'"The New World" of Karl Barth: Legacies of a political theologian'
Respondent: Waseem Yaqoob (Cambridge)
Paper Download: Cambridge | Visitor
1 May
John Marshall (Johns Hopkins)
'Islam, Toleration and the Enlightenment'